Monday, December 6, 2010

Searching - Perfect Moment Monday

This past week brought a completely unexpected surprise through a random chain of events. I contacted Victor last week (in Guatemala) to arrange a time to skype with pea's foster family. In the meantime, I joined the Guat Mama group on facebook and was reading a thread about birth family searches. One fellow Guat Mama posted she hired Victor to search for her daughter's birth mother and had a wonderful experience. So, I contacted her for more information. One thing led to another and I found myself corresponding with Victor about a search.

Now, we have always planned to search for pea's birth family, but had planned to wait a little longer for various reasons. But, pea's birth family has been on my mind A LOT lately, especially after the slew of earthquakes and tropical storms that hit Guatemala this summer. I would have these moments of panic thinking, what if we miss an opportunity and it's gone forever?

Then, last Friday, I received an email from Victor stating he had found pea's birth grandparents. My heart stopped.

Victor explained that he traveled four hours ONE WAY to the town where they live and was able to get some basic information. He did not meet with them at that time because he needed to do some preliminary investigating first. Now, mind you, he was doing this on his own time. We have not paid him a dime, yet, and we had no idea he was going so soon!

I couldn't believe what I was reading. My heart swelled and I started shaking. For a moment...time stood still and shifted as this possibility seemed to be opening up.

This was a perfect moment of possibility.

The possibility of finding the family that gave my son life.

The possibility of getting information, any information, is amazing. Simply amazing.

The possibility of making a connection, whatever it may be, across the boundaries of country and culture. Because, regardless of what separates us...we will always be connected. Always.

Today, Victor is traveling again with the intent of meeting with pea's grandparents and, possibly, his birthmother.

Needless to say, our hearts are reaching across the miles today...filled with hope and possibility.

Check out more Perfect Moment Monday HERE.


  1. Wow!!! Praying for you all today and during this very special time. Isn't it funny how things just "happen" in their own time!?! Can't wait to see/hear more about this!

  2. What big news! I hope that things play out as beautifully as possible. Can't wait to see how things go! Perfect, indeed.

  3. Wow! Thinking of you guys today!

  4. I think I may need more information on Victor!! I have had those same feelings. However, or information is so limited that I feel our leads will dry up quickly.

    Sop happy for you......can't wait to hear more!
