Friday, May 22, 2009

Rock Kisser

Pea LOVES being outside, which is where we spend most of our evenings since the weather has been warming up. He loves pushing his bubble lawn mower around the yard, smelling the flowers, picking up sticks, throwing rocks, digging in dirt, squashing ants, watching for the firetruck, etc, etc. Most of all...pea loves going on walks, which makes me very happy! I love walks, too.

Pea definitely has his favorite spots along the various routes we take and he often takes charge on which way we go. "dis way, dis way"

One of his favorite stops is this big rock along our neighbors yard. For some reason, every time we pass the rock he has to stop and give it a big kiss! I think he is simply our budding environmentalist. Perhaps "rock kisser" should be the new "tree hugger." ;0)


  1. Oh my gohs...Mayna does the same thing and insists on pushing her stroller!!!! Maybe he was thinking the rock would turn into a princess!?!

  2. HAHAHA!! Rock kisser. THat is too cute. Isn't the warm weather the best????

  3. That is SO funny! What a cute picture of him kissing the rock!

  4. How funny! I love that he gives the rock a kiss, what a cutie!

  5. That is so cute! I like the term rock kisser better than tree hugger! lol

  6. I love seeiong picks of your lil' rock kisser!!!!!
