Peas and Carrots...A Perfect Blend
Friday, March 4, 2011
FFF - The Letter M
M stands for Monster...Snow Monster to be exact. Pea and Jason were building snow people the other day, which included turning pea into a snowboy. He thought it was hilarious! That is...until the camera came out. He did NOT want his picture taken and started screaming like a crazy snow monster. I showed him the pictures yesterday and he thought he was pretty funny. Go figure. Oh, you can't really see it very well, but pea is also wearing his monster hat that we recently made together. Perfect for the occasion!
On another note, my little snow monster continues to add more friends to his imaginary friend club. He now has a girlfriend named Denny. Denny is apparently a really fast swimmer, as fast as Lightening McQueen. Pea explained that he and Denny swim together every night. They race in the pool and, alas, Denny always wins. Denny also lives with his other buddy, Me-me.
Today, pea told me about Mr. Grayman. Mr. Grayman is a mean guy who only comes out at night. Mr. Grayman comes into Pea's bedroom at night and sometimes sneaks into his bed. Mr. Grayman is also a fireman. Hmmm...could explain why he wanted me to rock him to sleep last night.
Lastly, pea's "brother" has made another appearance. So, he is up to 5 imaginary friends. I am going to start losing track soon! I don't know where this stuff comes from, but he is quite creative and imaginative. It's fascinating.
Check out more FFF HERE.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Perfect Moment Monday - First Smiles
I just had to include this adorable tongue shot!! So cute!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Highs and with a preschooler
The fun side:
- Pea talks NONSTOP (okay, this could arguably be on the not-so-fun side, too!). He loves to tell stories and they are full of all kinds of adventures involving baracudas, sharks, whales, anglerfish, snakes, monsters, and the occasional fire truck and police car.
- Pea also tells stories involving his imaginary friends. You may remember he had an imaginary friend he referred to as his brother. Well, since carrot came home, his imaginary friend is now his sister. Hmmm...most recently another friend has joined his club: Me-me. I have no idea where Me-me came from, but Me-me sometimes sits at our table and sleeps with pea, but Me-me does not live with us. Like Pea's sister, Me-me seems to be a world traveler! Somedays he lives down the street from us, somedays he lives on a boat, and some days he even lives on another planet as an alien! Me-me and sister seem to find a way into almost every story. It really is fun listening to the tales pea weaves and hearing where his imagination takes him.
- As you may have guessed, pea is just a little obsessed with sea creatures...specifically barracudas, sharks, anglerfish, and whales. He would much rather watch National Geographical and NGWild than any other TV show. And, he would much rather look at "real" books about sea life than storybooks. At the library, he immediately runs to the science section to find books about various animals. He can name and identify several different whales, sharks, fish, and more. And, he requested a barracuda cake for his birthday. Yikes. I swear this kid is WAY smarter than me. It is a little scary!
- I love that pea can create fun in almost any situation. This week, our living room became the beach and he was running around in his bathing suit, all while it snowed like crazy outside! Hangers become swords, laser beams, and guns (ugh).
Pea decided to dump all the laundry and jump into it. |
But, alas, there are also times that his little preschooler ways drive me NUTS!
- Pea can flip his attitude like a switch and he is so mouthy! He is definitely testing the boundaries right now. He says the craziest things when he is mad. "I want to kick all the people out of this house." "I don't want to look at you, mommy." "You are making me ANGRY, mommy." "You can't come to my (or his sister's or Me-me's) birthday party." Admittedly, sometimes it is hard not to laugh.
- Pea is a very HIGH energy little boy (which I love), but he also gets into EVERYTHING. He always has. It drives me crazy when I have to tell him 5 times to put something down, don't touch that, etc, etc.
- Pea talks NONSTOP. And he is LOUD. Even his whispering is loud. I swear he doesn't take a breath when he is talking. Forget trying to talk on the phone or watch a TV show with him around.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Open Adoption...What I have learned so far, Part I
A couple weeks ago, we received even more pictures of pea's birth family and we now have a picture of one of his aunts! Pea was actually very excited to look at all of the pictures we have received, especially pictures of his brother. His face lit up and he said
That alone makes it all worth it. Pea is now very proud that he has a little brother AND a big brother. What a gift!
As I wrote earlier, we had always intended to search for pea's birth family, though we had planned to wait a little longer. But, it happened when we least expected and the timing was perfect. Isn't that always the case in life?!?! For awhile, we debated on whether or not to wait and allow pea to decide when he is older if he wants to search. After much thought, we decided that finding them was not just about pea, but also about us. We wanted to make that connection for our own personal reasons as well.
There are still questions we will never have the answers to, there are limits to our relationship with pea's birth family, and we don't know how this relationship will evolve, but it is a huge weight lifted knowing we have found them, that we have pictures and more information than before and knowing that this will help to fill in the gaps to pea's story.
Coming next...Part 2, Meeting carrot's birth mother
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Madly in love
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Life is Rough
Friday, January 14, 2011
FFF - Hibernation
Monday, January 10, 2011
Another Miracle!!
We received the call about carrot on Thursday afternoon (1/6/11) and he was placed with us less than 36 hours later. Needless to say, it was quite a whirlwind and so exciting!
Initally, carrot's birth mother was not interested in meeting us and did not even have any intention of looking at our profile. By, Friday evening, however, she had a change of heart and we were so incredibly lucky to be able to meet her on Saturday. We spent a couple of hours together getting to know one another, cooing over carrot, hugging and crying, and discussing the future of our relationship. What started out as a potentially closed adoption quickly evolved into a open arrangement and we could not be any happier. What an amazing gift.
We knew we could potentially have a very quick placement, was fast and so surreal! All the way home, we kept looking at carrot in complete disbelief that this precious, perfect little boy was our son! Just awesome. We are truly blessed

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Christmas Day!
Pea was also super spoiled this year. Yes, I admit. He was spoiled rotten. Santa must have thought he had been extra good this year. ;)
The calm before the storm
His very own "READY!!!" AKA...tape measure. For some reason unknown to us, pea named the tape measure "ready" and is obsessed with it!
The one gift pea REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted. Santa came through!
And...mass chaos. Pea also added to his Geotrax collection and it has officially taken over our house. Isn't this ridiculous?!?! But, it has already provided hours and hours of fun!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday: Answers
We also received more information about pea's birth family.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Before and After - Final
I LOVE it!!! What a huge difference, eh?!?! Who wants to come over for dinner? :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Searching - Perfect Moment Monday
Thursday, December 2, 2010
November Roundup
1. I am trying to accept that "mommy guilt" is just an innate part of being a mom. I definitely struggle with this, though it ebbs and flows. At the same time, it is also a measure for me. When the guilt starts growing, I know it's time to slow down and prioritize. I just try to remind myself that I can choose to allow the guilt to eat at me or I can choose to use it as a guide to shift gears a little.
2. Pea has started showing an interest in watching Scooby Doo lately, which means straying from Nick Jr. Which means...COMMERCIALS. I.HATE.COMMERCIALS. Thanks to commercials, pea thinks he needs a cotton candy maker. We try to stick to watching shows on the DVR so we can skip through the commercials, but that doesn't always work out. And, yes, I shamefully admit we have been watching waaaay too much TV lately.
3. A few weeks ago, I volunteered at Challenge Day at our local high school. It was amazing. Every high school should do this. If your high school participates in Challenge Day, it is sooo worth being a volunteer. Check it out HERE. I spent 6 hours with 16 and 17 year old kids grappling with some really tough issues and I was blown away by their courage, resiliency, compassion, and willingness to take a stand. It was awesome and I learned so much from them.
4. A few months ago, pea started chewing his fingernails. Not sure why. I then discovered that he was also chewing his toenails. Gross, right? I have not trimmed his toenails or fingernails in months! I learned that he chews his toenails in bed before he falls asleep. Every time I would ask him why he chews his nails, he just shrugged his shoulders so I let it go. The other night I decided to ask him again and he told me he chews them to "get the bugs off." Yes, he thinks he has bugs on his nails and he needs to chew them off.
5. I really hate the "rivalry" between moms who stay-at-home and moms who work outside of the home. I really, really hate it. You all know what I am talking about. We are all doing the best we can so why does it need to be this way? We need to support one another, regardless of our situation.
6. I have learned that you absolutely cannot reason with a screaming, out-of-control child. If fact, saying anything is enough to escalate the situation. Deep breaths. Wait it out. Be there to give hugs when the time is right.
7. Never place a mug of coffee on top of an icy car roof. It inevitably leads to a very cranky morning.
8. I have truly been amazed with myself at how patient and calm I have been waiting for "the call." Seriously!! Of course, I have had a few anxious moments, but they are usually fleeting. I assumed I would be a crazy, anxious, stressed out mess waiting, but I know the call will come at the most perfect time and I feel freakishly calm...most of the time. :)
How was your November? Check out more monthly wrap-ups HERE.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday

Friday, November 19, 2010
FFF - Give Thanks

( I am also so in love with this beautiful Japanese Maple!)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday (I know, it's Tuesday!)
Have you checked out Write Mind Open Heart (formally Webbles Wobblog)? She rocks! Every Monday she hosts Perfect Moment Monday. It is about noticing a perfect moment, not creating one. My sister often talks about Perfect Moments so I was immediately drawn to this idea. And, after losing my patience too many times over the weekend to a very bossy pea, it helped me to step back and find a perfect moment in the midst of some not-so-perfect moments!
Here goes:
I LOVE popcorn!! I especially love popcorn cooked on the stove and drizzled in real butter. YUM! That is a rare guilty pleasure as I usually just indulge in the generic microwave variety. Pea also looooooves popcorn and gets so excited he literally bounces around the kitchen as the popcorn pops. The other night I got out two little bowls for our popcorn and pea suddenly stopped jumping and ran over to me. He grabbed one really big bowl and said, "Let's share out of this bowl, mommy."
We then snuggled on the couch under a blanket with our big bowl of popcorn and watched Dino Dan (pea's newest obsession). Pea then gave me a big hug and said, "I love sharing popcorn with you mommy! This is the best!"
Definitely a perfect moment!
Check out more Perfect Moments HERE and link up to share your own Perfect Moment!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What I learned last month
Over the past month I have learned...
- My husband is incredibly handy! He has worked so hard on our house and I am amazed at how much he can do! I remember back when we were buying our first house and he was so nervous about being able to take care of things. Well, he is awesome!
- I have also discovered that my hubby does so much more for our family than what I often give him credit. That is very humbling for me.
- Over the past month, I have really grown to loathe dinner time. Mind you, I love to cook so it is not that. It is the end of the day transition...everyone (eh hem...Pea) is tired, grumpy, and hungry. Predinner time is also known as the witching hour in our house when the little monster emerges. Once dinner is on the table, then I hear "I don't like that. I want something else." Now, pea eats about ANYTHING. I believe this is more about a 3 year old trying to assert some control! It's just a phase, right?!
- Unfortunately, I have discovered that stress has wreaked havoc on my teeth. During pea's adoption process, I started experiencing a lot of jaw and tooth pain. Come to discover I had started grinding my teeth at night. Now I wear a bite splint every night and it makes a huge difference. But, the damage had already been done and my tooth is now cracked. It's a crown for me. Sheez.
- I am constantly amazed at pea's memory. He has this ability to randomly pull out memories of things that happened ONE TIME months and months ago. I have no idea how he does this when I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday. He only needs to see or hear something once and he will remember. Sometimes they are not things I want him to remember...for example, today he mentioned the time I hit a mailbox when we were parking at a garage sale. This happened MONTHS ago! I nicked a mailbox with my mirror and all I said was "OOPS! I hit that mailbox." We never talked about it again until this morning. How does he remember this stuff?!
- Over the past month, I have been reminded that I work with some pretty amazing people who are some of my best friends.
- My dad received a prestigious distinguished alumni award last month from his Alma mater and I was so proud. I learned all over again that my dad is amazing. I love you, dad!
What have you learned this month? Check out more month in reviews HERE.
Friday, November 5, 2010
FFF - Family Fun

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Ya know, I really debated over the new name and felt like it needed to be something really deep and meaningful, but nothing felt right. And, to be honest, I just couldn't give up "pea!" So, what pairs perfectly with peas??? Carrots, of course! A perfect pair with their own unique little qualities. I think it's perfect.
As you will notice, I also couldn't leave everything behind so I just moved all of my previous posts to our new little piece of the blogosphere.
Hang in with me as I get settled in our new home and do some organizing and cleaning. In the meantime, make sure you don't miss any other BIG announcements by
Friday, October 29, 2010
Siblings and family connections
We are very lucky to have a few pictures of pea's birth mother. I look at her picture and I can see my son through her eyes. I often wonder if his siblings have the same eyes, the same mannerisms, and the same little quirks that make my heart smile. Perhaps one day, pea will be able to see a reflection of himself through his birth family. But, until that time, we just hold on tight to what we do have.
With that said, however, I can definitely see how a lack of information and connection can lead to the development of fantasies about birth families. I even find myself doing it. With no information, we create the story and image that feels the most comforting. So, how do we develop "realistic" images of birth families that we do not know? And, most importantly, how do we help our children do this as well?
How do you try to "fill the gaps" without creating a fantasy image of birth families? And, how do you do it in a way that is validating? As pea starts to ask more questions (specifically, why? why? why?), I sometimes find myself stumbling around trying to answer his questions in simple terms, but I struggle at times! I would love to hear your approach and any tips for having these conversations with your little ones.
Friday, October 22, 2010
FFF - Fall Fun
The pumpkin fest started a couple weeks ago...

Posing with Mr. Pumpkinhead

Halloween also started tonight for us with a super fun Halloween party! My mom's group put on a really great Halloween party for all the kiddos and pea had so much fun. They played pin the nose on the witch, climbed in and out of tunnels, played tag, and went trick or treating in the "spooky" hallway. Pea especially enjoyed being on stage putting on his "show." He is definitely a little ham sometimes and knows how to milk it! Here is his little spidey pose before "spinning" into his dance routine.